What is a skin treatment?
A skin treatment or aesthetic facial thoroughly cleanses, nourishes, stimulates, rejuvenates, clears, removes, boosts, and addresses skin concerns. The advantages of these treatments extend beyond visible improvements, as skin issues can affect a person's self-perception. Skin treatments are not just a luxury but are designed to enhance skin health, address skin conditions, and boost confidence in your skin.
At Illuminated Skin, all our treatments are conducted on a cozy heated bed. This additional touch of comfort helps our clients feel more relaxed and promotes their well-being, benefiting both them and their skin.
Deciding on a treatment?
We always recommend starting with a consultation. This initial step helps us grasp your skin concerns and identify any internal or external factors that may be affecting your skin health. Since the skin is a two-way organ, adopting a holistic approach enables us to address it internally and externally for the best results. Subsequently, we can talk about your desired outcomes, determine the necessary steps, and explore the most suitable treatments.
After your treatment
Our recommendation is to follow a soothing and gentle skincare routine for the initial 3 days after undergoing an aesthetic procedure. Afterward, it is crucial to maintain the prescribed skincare regimen provided by the aesthetician. While skin treatments can address skin issues effectively, lasting results are achieved by balancing regular treatments with consistent daily home-care routines. These two aspects go hand in hand.
It's similar to going to the gym monthly, putting in a great workout, and maintaining your exercise routine at home until your next session. Consistently doing home exercises, much like following your skincare regimen, helps you see results faster. Think of it this way – getting a monthly treatment for 12 months adds up to just 12 hours in the whole year, leaving you with 8,748 hours to make a real impact on your success with your homecare.
Isn’t it mad to think of it in hours like this! It’s not what most people want to hear but staying committed to your regular treatments and daily skincare regimen will lead you to the desired results in the quickest time possible. Consistency is the crucial factor.
At Illuminated Skin, we continuously enhance our knowledge and expertise in product ingredients and skin treatments to provide you with the latest information and guidance. Our focus is on education, not just following skin trends.
Feel free to reach out with any questions, and we will be happy to provide you with answers.
Looking forward to seeing you at the clinic soon.
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